Listing Guidelines

Schools / Colleges which become members of the Summer Schools & Summer Courses UK Directory need to conform to these guidelines. We reserve the right to edit or remove any listings which do not conform. These guidelines should be read together with the site terms & conditions.

(a) You may create and maintain a reasonable number of listings for the courses which you run at your institution. Each listing can be in up to 3 categories. Some examples follow:

Example 1: You run adult summer courses in a range of subjects, all based in Birmingham. You can create one listing per course, or you can create one listing to cover all the courses and choose categories which best describe the courses.

Example 2: You run language courses for children in a number of centres around the UK. You can either create one listing and mention in the listing that you run courses in different centres, or you can create one listing for each centre.

(b) You should write your listings in a factual and not in a blatently self-promotional style

(c) You should not write your listings in such a way as to attempt to manipulate the search results

(d) You should make every reasonable attempt to ensure that your listings are factually correct

(e) Your listing must be kept up to date. Listings which show dates in the past may be deleted.

(f) Use of Third Party Logos: Schools/colleges may display accreditation logos granted by a third party as part of their listing (see pricing). Logos may only be displayed if the school/college is currently entitled to use them in this context. The school/college takes responsibility for removing any such logo from the Summer Schools site immediately if their entitlement to display the logo ceases.

(g) Your listings should not contain or link to pornography or adults-only sites, gratuitous or graphic violence, material that promotes or disseminates illegal activities or any racist, defamatory or otherwise offensive material.

(h) Bronze listings do not include web links or email addresses. You may not attempt to circumvent this restriction by entering a link as part of the Description.

Last updated 12 November 2014.

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