Pricing Information for the Summer Schools & Summer Courses Directory

There are four types of listing available:

Bronze Silver Gold Platinum *
Position Lowest Above bronze Above silver Guaranteed 1st
School name/course title Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tag line No No Yes Yes
Short description
(200 characters)
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Detailed description No Yes Yes Yes
Logo No Yes Yes Yes
Photos No No Yes Yes
YouTube videos No No Yes Yes
Facebook, Twitter, Google+ sharing No Yes Yes Yes
Telephone number Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enquiries by email No Yes Yes Yes
Link to your website No Yes Yes Yes
Website click statistics No Yes Yes Yes
Accreditation logos No Yes Yes Yes
Categories 3 3 3 1 (+ 2 gold free)
Price Free £95/year £245/year £475–£795/year

Bulk purchase discounts are available if you want to list multiple courses or be listed in more than 3 categories - contact us to discuss your requirements.

Also see: Examples of the 4 listing types (opens in a new window)

* Platinum listings:

  • Guaranteed first position in your chosen category
  • Free gold listing in two other categories
  • £795 for top-level categories (see box on the right)
  • £475 for sub-categories
  • Discounts available for platinum listings in multiple categories

Only one platinum position is available for each category, so act fast! Contact us for details or to upgrade.

How to add a listing

You can add a bronze/silver/gold listing using the instructions below. If you are interested in a platinum listing, please contact us.

  1. Register for a free account.
  2. Check your email and click the confirmation link to validate your account.
  3. Complete the Add a Listing form.
  4. If you select a Silver or Gold listing, you will be asked to pay online using a credit/debit card or PayPal account.
  5. Your listing will be published on the site.
How to modify or upgrade a listing

Click My Account, then Edit/upgrade/delete a directory listing to see your listings.

Click the Edit link to modify your listing; or

Click "Upgrade Listing" to upgrade a listing to Silver or Gold. You will be asked to pay online using a credit/debit card or PayPal account.

Job listings

It is currently free to post listings to the Jobs Offered and Jobs Wanted categories.

How to add a job listing

Adding a job listing is very similar to adding a summer school or course listing.

  1. Register for a free account.
  2. Check your email and click the confirmation link to validate your account
  3. Complete the Add a Job Listing form.
  4. Your listing will be published on the site.
How to modify or upgrade a job listing

Click My Account, then Edit/delete a job listing to see your job listings.

Click the Edit link to modify your listing.

Site sponsors

Site sponsors are displayed on every page, above the category list on the right. If you are interested in this, or other ways of advertising with us, please call us on 01865 263293 or email us using the contact form.

Advertise your course here
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